Wednesday, May 31, 2017

  I believe in these words with all my heart! So I ask myself, has this Blog done anything to help me attain any of my goals?  

   This has been a learning experience and good for me in so many ways, but it's up for renewal on June 6, so I am asking all of you out there--do you read this Blog and would you comment to let me know if it contains beneficial content you would like to keep seeing--please respond and let me know as this will help me decide to renew or let go!

   I am appreciative of everyone who has taken even a brief glimpse of  what I've shared and would like to say Thank You for taking time to read my words!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Don't make the mistake of waiting to get in on the Bitcoin frenzy--there is no time like RIGHT NOW!
You NEED to join this!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


    After a major hurricane hit Florida, we planned a getaway for a major birthday for me and left for a much needed mini vacation. Then we went off to the mountains in Georgia for a weekend with, I have been missing in action for a while!

   But I AM BACK and so happy to reconnect with great news!!

   If you have not heard of TBC (THE BILLION COIN,) then carefully pay attention! This is becoming the biggest cryptocurrency news in such a short time and is growing exponentially! TBC is making millionaires already for those who got in several months ago and has the potential to make all of us very wealthy! I bought some on September 30, 2016 at just over $16 each and it's now over $50 each for one TBC!! Many people are buying and selling goods for TBC, using TBC to pay for travel, and exchanging for BITCOIN. Do not hesitate to buy TBC--it doubles very quickly. I am personally holding on to my TBC and buying more, but there are many people who will sell to you--just be very careful to buy from someone trustworthy!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Go join and see for your self that TBC is growing in value and check out the projection calculator for 200 days! Member owned and encrypted!!

The Billion Coin is new but membership is climbing. You own your coins and they are stored in YOUR WALLET!

   Buy as little or as much as you want! Check out the video for how to set up your wallet!

Monday, October 3, 2016

   Have you heard of TBC?

  This is becoming the next BIG cryptocurrency and is not regulated but instead is member owned!!

   It's time to take a look before the monetary system of every country faces a meltdown! It's very simple to become a member and is based on trust between members. You can buy as much or as little as want and your coins increase in value every day without any referrals. Everyone gains from the value of the coins!

  Watch this video and learn why this is growing in intensity every day!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

My 24HourIncome is seriously paying out some BIG money! I started out just playing with it to see if you could actually make enough from $5.00 adpacks to create a steady stream to keep purchasing more of the $5.00 adpacks! And guess what? IT WORKS!

   Maybe I should have gone ahead and bought 100 of the $5.00 adpacks because that is how many you have to purchase in order to move to the next level and purchase $15.00 adpacks, which again you must purchase 100 of those to move to the next level to purchase higher dollar amounts. Every day I see withdrawals from people who purchased 100 and more and are getting paid LARGE amounts! 

    I currently have 28 of the $5 adpacks and every 3 to 4 days, earnings of $10.00 allow me to buy 2 more. You can see how this grows very quickly. I am seriously considering just going ahead and buying at least 20 more then with the daily accumulations, I will hit 100 pretty fast! You can also get paid for referrals on 3 levels for bringing people in. No one who works this, and views 8 ads daily like clockwork, is complaining--just the opposite-- they are praising the 2 guys who created this system! 

   Get in to My24HourIncome and see for yourself! IT WORKS!!