Tuesday, November 1, 2016


    After a major hurricane hit Florida, we planned a getaway for a major birthday for me and left for a much needed mini vacation. Then we went off to the mountains in Georgia for a weekend with friends...so, I have been missing in action for a while!

   But I AM BACK and so happy to reconnect with great news!!

   If you have not heard of TBC (THE BILLION COIN,) then carefully pay attention! This is becoming the biggest cryptocurrency news in such a short time and is growing exponentially! TBC is making millionaires already for those who got in several months ago and has the potential to make all of us very wealthy! I bought some on September 30, 2016 at just over $16 each and it's now over $50 each for one TBC!! Many people are buying and selling goods for TBC, using TBC to pay for travel, and exchanging for BITCOIN. Do not hesitate to buy TBC--it doubles very quickly. I am personally holding on to my TBC and buying more, but there are many people who will sell to you--just be very careful to buy from someone trustworthy!