Monday, August 1, 2016

     Back to BITCOIN news and opportunities--joining FUTURENET for FREE was a great decision and a no-brainer!! I saw the value immediately in upgrading to the $10 matrix (one time fee) business opportunity! This is a forced matrix business model so if you don't ever personally enroll anyone, you will still earn as the matrix fills up...$.50 for each person until the matrix fills up at which time you'll have earned over $44,000.00. Each matrix pays 5% ($.50 on the $10.00 matrix, $1.25 on the $25 matrix, $2.50 on the $50, $5.00 on the $100, $25.00 on the $500, and $50.00 on the $1,000) for each person who enrolls or spills over into your matrix as long as you have placed yourself in each matrix. If not, you get paid for the ones you are in. The BIG RETURN though is how much you end up making as the matrix fills up either through your own teamwork or forced fill from spillover!

And you are paid in BITCOIN!!!

Just an example of the payout if you have opted in on the $10, $25, $50 and $100.00 matrices (total of $185.00 one time)
AND there are so many other great ways to earn including electronics, trips, cars, and of course BITCOIN!!

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