Friday, September 30, 2016

This was just supposed to be a test over a month ago... 
   I thought... $5.00 adpacks, well that's cheap enough to test and give it a try. Wow, I had no idea how well this system was going to work! This isn't the new coin that I just invested in today, but it is a big income earner for a lot of people! They have just paid out over $3,000,000.00 as of today and it's an incredible system!!

  I started with just a couple of adpacks at $5.00 each. You surf 8 ads daily and get paid in earnings every 24 hours. It also has referral bonus earnings for 3 levels. After just over 1 month, I am now earning enough to buy 2 more adpacks every few days. With the purchase I just made today, I am up to 30 adpacks at $5.00 and you must complete the first level of 100 $5.00 adpacks before you can move to the next earning level. Just 70 to go before I move up and at this rate, it won't be long!

  Check this one out for yourself and see why so many are praising it and making great earnings with MY24HourIncome!

What is more exciting than finding out about Bitcoin?


This is amazing and all I can say is get some! Not an MLM or referral opportunity. Everybody earns!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

If you are looking for a legitimate ad rev share program that WORKS and is growing in leaps...this is it! I have been getting paid for a few weeks now and watching the growth!!
Join now at this link: 

Monday, September 26, 2016

 Found My Fit!


Hi to all the entrepeneurs out there!

   My name is Debi and I would love to introduce you to the greatest opportunity for changing lives that I have found! My background in direct sales dates all the way back to the late 1980's and I developed a love for products that help people and change lives! Over the years, the way to promote direct marketing has changed so much and with all the social media available, it's become way easier to share with the person next door or half way around the world! I could never have dreamed of building a team with someone from Hawaii or Europe or Canada back then! How blessed we are that it's as easy as 1,2,3, yes, it really is, to develop friendships and business partners thousands of miles away and what better way to do it than to share an opportunity that will provide success and future wealth!

   I cannot leave out the products, but I am not here to sell you anything! I am here at the right time in the right place to share this unique opportunity and what it can mean to you and your family! It won't take much of your time to watch this video--five minutes--and I can promise you that won't waste your time! How many times during the day do we look at social media, or tweet, share or like something? You do have the time--make time! It's that important if you are looking to build a business that will work for YOU!

  What will it cost you to take a look? Are you worth it? Can it change how you live your life? Nothing to look and YES, YES, YOU BET! Don't sit around waiting for something to come to you without any effort--it doesn't work that way and you know it. I want to help you build a business and together we can do this! It's all about how BIG your dream is and HOW MUCH you want it!

Let's make this dream come true together!  I am here, ready, and wanting to help you!
Thank you for taking time to view the video, now take the next step and contact me! Debi Hurlbert
P.S.  This opportunity works great for anyone over 18, male or female and in over 100 countries. If we aren't in a country where you live or have prospects, I am sure the company is working on it! The best leaders will always be evolving and meeting the needs of its team--no doubts that this company is working on giving us the tools we need to keep growing!

Friday, September 23, 2016

People are telling me they are getting really good sleep and losing weight with my other,

  It's time to get back to making some Bitcoin!!

  Bitclub Network continues to perform and payout residual earnings every single day!  
  I just withdrew my wallet earnings yesterday to my coinbase wallet, but there are more being credited!  I chose a 60/40 split for payment of my earnings...that means 60% goes back into the pool and 40% gets paid to me every day!  Also, I just restaked my clubcoins (the coins that Bitclub gave me when I originally bought a mining share). There is a separate mining pool for the clubcoin and it is valued at about $.25 per coin right now and actually is traded on the market! I have over 1300 of those! 

   The biggest value earned on my $1,000.00 mining share bought back in November 2015, is over a full bitcoin!  That's one full bitcoin earned just for a mine share!!!


  YOU CAN DO THIS TOO! The banks are never going to pay you what you can earn from Bitcoin...even better you can buy, sell, transfer, give BITCOIN to just about anyone, anywhere!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

You don't have to join our company to order products!  This is the newest in a great lineup of health and weightloss!
E3 IS NEW, dynamic, and getting attention!
Buy 1. Buy 2 and get 1 FREE! BUY 3 and get 3 FREE!
What other company gives you its kind of deal?? Get ready to be energized!

Click above to check out an ad revenue program that is getting great reviews and starting adpacks are only $5. I started with just a couple, invested $30 more, and have earned enough to keep repurchasing so that the total is now up to 22. 

Clicking on 8 ads in a 24 hour period qualifies you for earnings and the payout is daily!  YOU MUST WATCH THE VIDEO to learn the basics! It's really easy and fast to start up!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

   I can't believe I haven't shared this part of the compensation with Bitclub Network with you!

  On top of the earnings you receive every day from the mining pool(s) you join, you also have the opportunity to receive residual earnings by sharing this opportunity with others and helping them to open a mining pool share! This is a binary tree comp plan so 2 people, one on your right and one on your left, qualify you for binary commissions. As a miner (which is the lowest level) you need 15 credits to qualify for one cycle which is $200 daily--miners receive 4 cycles daily of $200 each time for a total of $800 PER DAY in bitcoin!! 

   This is an incredible compensation plan for Bitcoin!

Click on Bitclub Network above or Bitcoin above to see the website and video for more information!

Click on this picture to get a better view:

Monday, September 19, 2016

If I showed you a video on how I have been helping others produce income online, would you watch it?

    If you have an interest in a fast growing downline, great training, and huge support, you need to give yourself the best option to jumpstart a business!

   For my Bitcoin entrepeneurs, Bitclub Network has now earned me over a full bitcoin with the investment I made as a bitcoin miner. My $1,000 investment for 600 days back in Nov. 2015 earned over 1 bitcoin in less than a year! That's bitcoin is over $600 right now and expected to rise even higher! I've also mined the clubcoin I was given back then in a mining pool and it is now worth over $415.00!

Sunday, September 18, 2016


zero sugar zero artificial flavor natural ingredients zero artificial sweeteners gluten free and.....

brand NEW! Are you ready to fuel your body and change the way you exercise?

    The company I am associated with just came out with a brand new energy product and I am so excited about it!!! I cannot wait to share this with all my friends who have been looking for a dynamic product to boost energy levels and more!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Sorry I was missing for a little while! Short trip by motorcycle to northern Georgia. In the meantime, I find out that SBC has a 
 brand new product and I can't wait to check it out! Keep watching....more on this later!


Thursday, September 15, 2016

   Wow! I am right back up over half way toward buying another adpack! This will make #16 for me and the earnings are mounting up faster and faster! Check out Future Ad Pro if you want to passively earn Bitcoin every 15 minutes!  http://debihurlbert.futureadpro,com

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

    I know you don't know me and you have no reason to trust in anything I say on here.  I get that and I truly understand because I have blindly trusted before and it doesn't always have a happy ending!

    I have to tell you, I am extremely impressed with how well my Bitcoin earnings are doing with BITCLUB NETWORK and with FUTURE AD PRO

    You cannot enjoy the things that bitcoin can buy, if you don't take care of yourself! That goes without need to hear it--loud and clear!  Your health is more important than anything else--don't ever forget that you only have one body and to keep it functioning on a high level, you must maintain your weight!  I am not just promoting Skinny Body Care to make money! It actually promotes itself--just share the products and USE THE PRODUCTS--thousands of people are losing weight and sharing their stories.  I have to say, I thought after one month that maybe it wasn't working for me.  
  Thankfully, I continued using SKINNY FIBER & HIBURN8
and I am sleeping peacefully and losing weight! Come take a look and see just what everyone is talking about!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Now you can share this secret with the thousands who have found this amazing product used by average people and Hollywood celebrities!

Women are sharing with their husbands and they are shocked by the results!

    This system works!! I am consistently accumulating enough earnings now to buy adpacks every 7 to 10 days ($50 each) without adding any funds from an outside source!

   I bought my 15th adpack yesterday and have already earned over $9.00 today just from clicking on 10 ads daily...they load in about 20 seconds, so clicking on 10 takes only a few minutes.  

   FUTURENET AND FUTURE AD PRO are growing steadily, improving their platform, and paying out to members with consistent reliability!  This is legitimate unlike some of those other fly by night platforms that don't fulfill the promises.

  You can be cautious and buy one adpack ($50) like I did and start out slow. Repayment will be every 15 minutes daily until the adpack earns $60 ($50 plus a $10 bonus) is then fulfilled and has paid out.

    For now, I am reinvesting and buying more adpacks, but I could request a withdrawal in Bitcoin and be paid withing 24 hours. I intend to do just that after I accumulate 20 adpacks!

Monday, September 12, 2016

     I am posting late tonight because I was extremely busy today! I had a lunch date with 3 cousins and my aunt about 2 hours from where I live. I had not seen one of my cousins in 30 years!!!

     No matter what you're doing, what you are trying to accomplish or what you're trying to acquire, there is nothing more valuable or more important than FAMILY!

     Whether you are broke or the richest person alive, the true love of family cannot be bartered or bought--it's priceless! 

My wish for you is that you have family and share the richness of love that stretches over miles and through time--no boundaries, no start and no finish; may it go to infinity and beyond!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sometimes the view underwater is worth getting wet!!

  If you seriously want to get out of the rat race of a 9 to 5 job, do something to help people, and fulfill all your dreams for a better life, you have to believe in something and even more in yourself! I know that YOU are out there and I am ready to help you not just test the water, but dive in head first! 

  Go here and grab your view...I will be waiting for YOU!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

    Even though my blog is primarily about Bitcoin, I am pushing Skinny Body Care because in my years in MLM or direct marketing, I have never seen a company compensation plan like this one! 

   You deserve to take a look at this and see just why thousands are pre-enrolling every day just to get a free spot in the downline. Lock in your spot and then decide if you want to get paid and have a downline already in place! I truly want to help YOU GET THE GREATEST PAY STRUCTURE in direct marketing I have ever seen! 

   Take a look and let me show you what only those who take action are seeing in their future!

    GO BIG!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Could you use a couple hundred or more per day? Join BCN and watch your Bitcoin grow!! Bring a few friends and you all earn!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

    Come check this out and see why thousands are pre-enrolling every day! I am thrilled to be a part of this company!

    This is the only company I have ever worked with where you can take a FREE TOUR and see how many pre-enrollees are in your downline before you ever decide to get onboard and make REAL MONEY!

I haven't posted before and after photos yet, but I am now a true believer in the AGELESS serum!  The lines under my neck and wrinkly skin are actually disappearing and it's only been 1 week!!!

Monday, September 5, 2016

It was a holiday weekend here in the US, so I have been missing in action for a few days. I am bringing you a new adshare moneymaker though that I joined on August 31, 2016. With low cost starting adpacks of $5.00 (you have to start out with the $5 adpacks to advance), I only wanted to give it a try so I purchased 2. Since then I have purchased 2 more and earned around $2.45 in just 6 days! I see a lot of potential with this platform and thousands are joining and cashing out daily!!

To earn, you must click on 8 ads daily. There are training videos to get started and it's very easy to start surfing ads immediately!

This one is really easy and a great one to keep your eye on!

Friday, September 2, 2016


Would you like to sleep better and manage weight problems while you sleep?  

Only 1 tablespoon of this great tasting product does exactly that! I am loving this product!

Collagen based and so easy to take, you will wonder why everyone doesn't know about it! This company is still the internet's best kept secret!!! I am so happy that I found out how to stop using over the counter nighttime sleep aids that can be harmful to your liver and replaced them with this magical (for me), liquid!
SBC has some of the best products I have come across in a long time and you can be a customer or build a business; but either way, don't wait to change your life for the better!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

    If you ever wanted to earn money consistently from clicking on ads with a revshare platform but were scared it might not be legit, then you must check out FUTUREADPRO! This platform which is part of FUTURENET is paying it's members day after day in BITCOIN!

    I started out with only 3 of the $50 adshares which I actually paid for--now after re-investing my earnings, I own 14 and am getting paid almost $7.00 each and every day! This greatly increases with each adshare you buy and if you are interested in building team members, you earn a percentage on those earnings also!!