Sunday, July 31, 2016

I know this is off topic from my bitcoin posts, but I am excited about sharing Skinny Body Care and the potential it may have on the future of so many! The funnel effect of downline earnngs is intoxicatingly exciting! Do I have proof yet? Is it worth it? No...and yes, because taking a step toward personal growth and empowerment is always worth it! Come join me and let's find out together! It's FREE to sign up as a pre-enrollee so nothing lost there!

Friday, July 29, 2016

I just got into something that is about to take on a mind of its own! 
You probably have heard about it in magazines or on the's Skinny Body Care. The GREAT thing don't have to pay anything right now.  Just grab a free spot!  That's what I did! I signed up yesterday and logged in today and had over 69K people in my pre-enroll line. (Big Smile) :)

Grab a free spot now skinny body care

This is EASY MONEY and another stream of income for you so go ahead and grag a free spot for right now

Thursday, July 28, 2016


    I am usually all about Bitcoin lately, but products geared toward maintaining or achieving optimum health always captured my interest...and especially ones that have a platform structured like this one!
Pre-register for free and watch how many are spilled over into your downline. It's all about team work! You can then decide to become a paid distributor or not. 
    Watch the videos about these products--they look amazing! I am not even one day in as a rep and have over 100 presignup persons in my downline!

SkinnyBodyCare SBC
Bitcoin Arbritrage is Coming!


  1. the simultaneous buying and selling of securities, currency, or commodities in different markets or in derivative forms in order to take advantage of differing prices for the same asset.


  1. buy and sell assets using arbitrage.


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

This is just a test to see if anyone out there is finding value in the content of my blog. I would like to believe that someone out there is enjoying my posts and would like to see more; but, perhaps I am wrong and no one is reading them.
Just out of curiosity, would you please leave me a comment or just say "hi!" I'd love to hear from not just the USA, but all other countries who may have found me.
Thank you and I hope wherever you are, life is treating you well! Good evening from my part of the world.

Just waking up is a wonderful thing, but the prospect of GREAT things ahead makes every day a Great Day!
I hope that this is true for you too! 
The countdown has started and a whole new way of earning Bitcoin is about to launch!

Don't get left out of a new era that can change your life and the lives of everyone around you...BITCLUB NETWORK is launching their new arbitrage platform which will effectively buy and sell bitcoin at strategic times as the market fluctuates with highs and lows around the world. These earnings will be passed on to Bitclub members. You can join the club for $99.00 and purchase a pool for $500.00. 

This is making waves with the massive fallout of Onecoin. I am relieved that I held out and never invested with Onecoin, but I'm angry for the fallout this has on so many!!!

Watch this video for more information:

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Decide that you are going to be successful and shine! It may not happen all at once, but the stars come out at night even when you don't see them! KEEP SHINING--the illumination will come when you least expect it!

     I missed posting yesterday, but I hope my viewers and blog followers will continue to grow because I truly do want to help as many people as possible to achieve some kind of financial freedom! I am going to ask a favor, not for myself, for you!

     Please give one of these opportunities a try...they are both free to register and sign up and what if, just what if, one of them works out with returning BIG MONEY!

     You really have nothing to lose except some time and possibly everything to gain! Would you be open-minded enough to just sign up and see what happens? I hope just one person will respond--if that happens, I will feel that I've succeeded with my vision of enriching someone's life! 


Friday, July 22, 2016

Getting excited!
I am usually only excited and passionate about product based opportunities; because I love finding, using, and sharing great products that enhance my health, the value of my life and the lives of people I care about!
That being takes money to buy those products and maintain an autoship (which I hate) to continue improving your health!
One of my really good friends said that she couldn't get excited about anything that isn't product based--but actually, currency is a product if you think about it--and it's the product that produces other products. So it's silly not to get excited about opportunities that will make you more of the product that is at the the top of the list--money!!! I don't covet money or currency.
What I do covet is a better way of life for the ones that I love and care about, including myself. This means that we have to find ways to get where we all want to a better, richer, more rewarding life! I have to say when I started the bitcoin journey, I was more anxious than excited--but, it's rewarding me in so many ways! I am seeing returns on not just one opportunity but all of them.
You can start a journey with just one step--take a step into the bitcoin journey and build a bridge to the other side!
I want to help as many people as I can to build something for your future and the future of your children and families.
You have to start somewhere--invest as little as $10.00 in Business Angels Ltd and get paid 1/2% to 4% on the 7th week day and then 4% daily each week day after that. I am currently making $8.00 per day on $200.00 and watching it build!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

     Earning and investing online is becoming a way of life for so many people and after a few months with some new opportunities, I really understand how the profits can add up! Bitcoin has to be one of the greatest investments that I have found so far!  Truly, if you can't or won't invest funds right now...join one of the free opportunities that I have shared. FUTURENET is one of the easiest to start out free and join a matrix for just $10.00 (one time) when you're ready. 

     Low cost, but not free, are Coince and Business Angels LTD and  I am earning bitcoin with both of these and started with just a $10.00 investment in each. I am building Business Angels faster because Coince is a 2 month investment on each deposit.

Newest FutureNet business presentation 
This explains how you earn from joining FutureNet 

Monday, July 18, 2016

Ryan Conley, my recruiting partner at Bitclub Network, was in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the biggest and best reveal regarding the bitcoin movement yet! He is advising that we need to be ready for the launch of the bitcoin arbitrage platform on August 1, 2016 and to purchase additional positions in Bitclub Network. I am going to do just that--starting a second position under myself. This is going to be monumental in the bitcoin world! Get in to Bitclub Network for $99.00 and get aligned with me to purchase at least a $500.00 position on August 1. 

Friday, July 15, 2016

With the horrible news coming out of Nice, France, I am prompted to reflect on life. To be candid, no one in that crowd suspected what was coming at them...or that for would be the last few minutes or hours of their life! 

Life is fleeting! Whether you live for many, many years or just a few, we need to realize that everything you do is part of YOUR 'book of life!' Don't just live for what could come tomorrow or down the road-- today, this moment, is worth living with gusto! Do something you've always wanted to do--reach out to someone, go for a trip, turn back to being a child and being excited for something you've always wanted or a place you always wanted to visit! There are no do overs in this life--you get ONE and that's it for living in this world--good or bad!

We all wish we could go back and do some things over, but now, for once, look ahead and think... what if I just do things better starting today! I am just as guilty as you for not appreciating each moment I've been given. I let time fly by and then wonder...where did it go so fast?  I know that I may not be young enough to do things that I always wanted to do, but I'll never be as young as I am right now again! That should be enough to cause you to reflect on your own it now before it's gone!

I pray for those whose loved ones were in that crowd in Nice, France and the lives they've lost. I pray for myself that I do not continue to waste the life I've been given, and I pray for you, that you go out and be a child with a child's joy and expectation when they are excited to be getting a gift. 

Because LIFE IS A yours--and live it fully...enjoy every moment...and give of yourself to others!  SHARE THE JOY!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

It's hard to believe that over half of 2016 is gone. This year is flying by and so are the days that you could be earning--either by investing and passively earning bitcoin, or building a team to grow and help others succeed in bitcoin currency! I am doing some of both! It's nice to sit back and let some of my bitcoin investments just grow every day. 

I would love to help someone else start growing a reitrement fund or vacation or savings or whatever you want to use your bitcoin for--now is the time to start accumulating lots of bitcoin because it's up in value and climbing.

If you, or someone you know, would like to test the waters with bitcoin, please check out one of the following opportunities:

Join for free but to really start earning, you want to pay a one time fee of $10 to get into the first matrix. It's a forced matrix and when full, will pay out $44,000. The spillover will take time but you will still get $.50 for each partner in your matrix whether you sign them up, or you acquire them from spillover!!!

Pay $99 to join this bitcoin mining club and then choose a pool to invest in...$500, $1,000, $2,000 or the Founder Pool for $3,500. These are 600 day contracts and pay out daily in bitcoin.


I have to say this one is doing quite well! Invest from $10 - $10,000 and get paid from 1/2% in 24 hours increasing to 4% on the seventh day. Then 4% daily each weekday from then on. You can choose how to deposit your funds and I chose bitcoin. I have been able to easily withdraw and reinvest funds whenever I choose.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

BITCLUB NETWORK just held a super power meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia this week and announced some powerful news in the cryptocurrency world! I don't know all the logistics yet, but they have shared that it is game-changing!

If you ever wanted to find the right niche to invest in--this is it!

I am sharing a little of what you can see once you join the club for $99. Please pause and read just how much profit there is by joining the mining pools and bringing in other investors.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


There are many people making hundreds and thousands of dollars daily in Bitcoin just using the FUTUREADPRO adsharing revenue program!

I would love to have you on my team in FUTURENET earning from joining the $10 matrix for which we get 5% for every partner who joins all the way up to the $1,000 matrix. 5% paid to you on every partner who joins in each matrix ($10, $25, $50, $100, $500 & $1,000) and these are one time to get into every matrix would be a total of $1,685. This can be done all at once or by waiting for your funds to build up in each matrix. 

They are all forced matrices--so spillover will occur without you even bringing in partners--but you will want to share this opportunity to help friends, family and acquaintances do what you are doing! 

You can only PROFIT FROM FUTUREADPRO by joining the business portion of FUTURENET and getting into one or all of the matrices!

Monday, July 11, 2016

  ARE you interested in getting FREE INTERNET AND GETTING PAID TO SIGN UP FOR IT???  I have waited so long to see something like this! Why should we have to pay for internet access--especially the exorbitant prices charged by internet companies today!!

How much do you pay for Internet access... $40, $50, $60, $70 or more?? Me too!! This is launching in the fall but you can be a founding member and get 5 shares of stock for FREE!! Get in with my link below!
My friend, Ryan Conley, aka #bitcoinryan is on his way to Malaysia for a Bitcoin event and has stressed how important it is to get positioned in Bitcoin! There are two ways I am recommending for you to do this:

1)  Bitclub Network... this is the event Ryan is going to and this mining club has made an incredible amount of bitcoin for him.  In order to join this mining club, you must sign up and pay a $99 fee. Then you can choose one (starting at $500, $1,000, or $2,000) or all 3 mining pools which is the Founder's Pool for $3,500.00 and of course, is the biggest payout!

2)  Futurenet...  This also pays you in Bitcoin and is free to join. You'll earn small amounts by being a free user, but to grow this as a real business opportunity you need to get in to the first matrix for a one time $10 fee and then progress as soon as possible to the other 5 matrixes--$25, $50, $100, $500, and $1,000; all of which are a ONE time fee! These are all forced matrices 10 levels deep which pay 5% every time you gain a partner whether you personally acquired them or not!  You can be passive and wait for spillover so that you earn or share this opportunity and begin earning immediately!!! 5% at each matrix only pays you if you are already in that matrix--if your partner joins a matrix ahead of do not get paid in that matrix; so, you can see why you want to stay ahead of your partners. 

Watch this video by Alvinson Tio that explains just how easy and lucrative being in the Futurenet 6 Matrix platforms is!!

Can you pass up the opportunity to get your internet for free? Get in and get as many of your friends onboard as possible so that we all can get stock in this great opportunity!

FREE INTERNET??  WHO DOESN'T WANT THAT?  But even better... 5 shares of free stock and opportunities for getting paid, prizes, and more just by copying, pasting, and sharing for others to join with you!! ABSOLUTELY FREE!!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

How easy is it to join FUTURENET, for FREE and then get started with FUTURE ADPRO to start viewing adpacks earning every single day by clicking on 10 ads? It's easy enough that hundreds of thousands are already doing it and the number is growing every day!! My friend, Ryan Conley is living off of his Bitcoin earnings from doing this! We can too--click on FUTURENET, and get started with me today! I am now close to earning $5.00 per day. LET'S DO THIS...I WANT TO HELP YOU SUCCEED! 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

COINCE Your Personal Referral Link
Take a look at this!! In less than one month I have earned just over $28 back on my $49.75 investment!! 
3% every day for 2 earn your investment back plus a great profit! The bigger the investment--the bigger the profit! No bank is going to pay this kind of return!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

This is truly one of the easiest ways to make money online!! Signup for free, then pay $10 to get in to the first matrix. This will allow you to take advantage of the FutureAdPro program where buying an Adpack for $50.00 will start paying you EVERY DAY to click on 10 ads. Your $50,00 will be repaid to you in 60 to 70 days along with a $10 bonus! I am now up to 9 Adpacks which will bring a return of $540.00 ($50 plus $10 for each one) and I am earning over $4.00 each day just to click on 10 adds! The beauty of this is...that in about 13 days, I can buy another Adpack with the money I earn from clicking on the ads! Each Adpack adds about $.50 to your daily earnings, so with the 10th one I purchase...I will be making around $5.00 each day!
You can see how this grows quickly and there are other revenues and benefits with joining FUTURENET and bringing in friends to do the same thing you are doing! Once you pay the $10 to get into the first matrix, you will also earn $.50 for each friend you bring in who joins under you!
I PROMISE YOU  this is growing quickly and many of my friends are well over $100.00 days with the Adpacks!!!
Let's Plant YOUR Tree!!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

THW Global Pay Plan:
Up to $25 per hour watching Better Than YouTube Type Videos. Also huge management 6 figure opportunity. International advertising giant needs over fifty thousands people over the age of 21 to invest up to 10 hours weekly giving comments on commercials, TV pilot programs, movie trailers, video surveys and so much more. Over 90% can be done from any smart phone or computer anytime / anywhere 24/7. From the comfort of your home or on the road.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Debi Hurlbert

Debi Hurlbert:

Wife. Mother. Creator. BitcoinEntrepeneur

As a former caregiver for over 20 years, I have that need to take care of everyone!

  • love yourself

With America's approaching Independence Day Celebration on July 4th, I can't help but think about all the freedoms my country is losing!

If you haven't taken a look at this yet, maybe you should...

   Making its debut on July 4th, THW Global is all across the internet and people are joining like crazy! NO FEES TO SIGN UP and the potential to earn $25 per hour viewing a maximum of 10 hours weekly or $250 per week, but you can earn up to 10 levels deep on your referrals!

   What do you have to lose to sign up for free???