Friday, July 15, 2016

With the horrible news coming out of Nice, France, I am prompted to reflect on life. To be candid, no one in that crowd suspected what was coming at them...or that for would be the last few minutes or hours of their life! 

Life is fleeting! Whether you live for many, many years or just a few, we need to realize that everything you do is part of YOUR 'book of life!' Don't just live for what could come tomorrow or down the road-- today, this moment, is worth living with gusto! Do something you've always wanted to do--reach out to someone, go for a trip, turn back to being a child and being excited for something you've always wanted or a place you always wanted to visit! There are no do overs in this life--you get ONE and that's it for living in this world--good or bad!

We all wish we could go back and do some things over, but now, for once, look ahead and think... what if I just do things better starting today! I am just as guilty as you for not appreciating each moment I've been given. I let time fly by and then wonder...where did it go so fast?  I know that I may not be young enough to do things that I always wanted to do, but I'll never be as young as I am right now again! That should be enough to cause you to reflect on your own it now before it's gone!

I pray for those whose loved ones were in that crowd in Nice, France and the lives they've lost. I pray for myself that I do not continue to waste the life I've been given, and I pray for you, that you go out and be a child with a child's joy and expectation when they are excited to be getting a gift. 

Because LIFE IS A yours--and live it fully...enjoy every moment...and give of yourself to others!  SHARE THE JOY!

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