Thursday, July 14, 2016

It's hard to believe that over half of 2016 is gone. This year is flying by and so are the days that you could be earning--either by investing and passively earning bitcoin, or building a team to grow and help others succeed in bitcoin currency! I am doing some of both! It's nice to sit back and let some of my bitcoin investments just grow every day. 

I would love to help someone else start growing a reitrement fund or vacation or savings or whatever you want to use your bitcoin for--now is the time to start accumulating lots of bitcoin because it's up in value and climbing.

If you, or someone you know, would like to test the waters with bitcoin, please check out one of the following opportunities:

Join for free but to really start earning, you want to pay a one time fee of $10 to get into the first matrix. It's a forced matrix and when full, will pay out $44,000. The spillover will take time but you will still get $.50 for each partner in your matrix whether you sign them up, or you acquire them from spillover!!!

Pay $99 to join this bitcoin mining club and then choose a pool to invest in...$500, $1,000, $2,000 or the Founder Pool for $3,500. These are 600 day contracts and pay out daily in bitcoin.


I have to say this one is doing quite well! Invest from $10 - $10,000 and get paid from 1/2% in 24 hours increasing to 4% on the seventh day. Then 4% daily each weekday from then on. You can choose how to deposit your funds and I chose bitcoin. I have been able to easily withdraw and reinvest funds whenever I choose.

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