Monday, July 11, 2016

My friend, Ryan Conley, aka #bitcoinryan is on his way to Malaysia for a Bitcoin event and has stressed how important it is to get positioned in Bitcoin! There are two ways I am recommending for you to do this:

1)  Bitclub Network... this is the event Ryan is going to and this mining club has made an incredible amount of bitcoin for him.  In order to join this mining club, you must sign up and pay a $99 fee. Then you can choose one (starting at $500, $1,000, or $2,000) or all 3 mining pools which is the Founder's Pool for $3,500.00 and of course, is the biggest payout!

2)  Futurenet...  This also pays you in Bitcoin and is free to join. You'll earn small amounts by being a free user, but to grow this as a real business opportunity you need to get in to the first matrix for a one time $10 fee and then progress as soon as possible to the other 5 matrixes--$25, $50, $100, $500, and $1,000; all of which are a ONE time fee! These are all forced matrices 10 levels deep which pay 5% every time you gain a partner whether you personally acquired them or not!  You can be passive and wait for spillover so that you earn or share this opportunity and begin earning immediately!!! 5% at each matrix only pays you if you are already in that matrix--if your partner joins a matrix ahead of do not get paid in that matrix; so, you can see why you want to stay ahead of your partners. 

Watch this video by Alvinson Tio that explains just how easy and lucrative being in the Futurenet 6 Matrix platforms is!!

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