Monday, June 6, 2016

In May 2016, Ryan shared a new opportunity with me and urged me to hurry up and join this new social media platform because it is poised to explode, pairs perfectly with Bitclub Network, and unlike Facebook it pays you in bitcoin to post, comment, share, like, etc., and it is FREE TO JOIN! We were all just beginning to understand how profitable it really is because once you decide to upgrade for $10 (paid once) to the first matrix, you can start a business with a team. Even better is that it is a forced matrix so even without bringing in personal friends or team members, the matrix will build for you! 

There are six matrix platforms to join and get paid from starting at $10, $25, $50, $100, $500, and $1,000 and you'll want to join all of them as soon as you can! Each is a one time payment but the payback is incredible once the matrix is filled.

An example of the $10 3x10 Forced Matrix commissions payout can be seen here. Look at the payout you received once the matrix is filled. Each matrix level will fill by force and each member will received the payouts!

It's actually a "no-brainer!"  You join for free and take a look at the marketing information available as well as the abundant YouTube videos to start appreciating the incredible opportunity FUTURENET brings to the game! Facebook got a new player in the social media game and it's already getting a whole lot of attention!

There is one other lucrative level to joining FUTURENET...FutureAdPro, the revenue sharing program they are enlisting our help for to kickoff the advertising portion of FUTURENET, where the billions of dollars are made--that's how Facebook makes their money! 

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