Friday, June 17, 2016

Pull up a chair and lets talk!
I can now say that my test with Business Angels has paid me in Bitcoin from earnings off of my $100.00 deposit total!
 I asked for a withdrawal of $15.00 and got $16.39 in bitcoin deposited into my wallet! I still have earnings of over $15.00 in my account from just under 12 days and today marks the 7th day for all my deposits, so earnings are at 4% now!
     My account continues to earn and I now have 2 partners from which I earned 12% off of their initial deposits and accrue earnings daily from those. This is still in the beginning test phase for me, but so far, I am extremely happy with the outcome! You have to test this for yourself...with as little as $10.00, you can earn 1/2% after the first 24 hours, then increases of 1/2% daily each weekday until the 7th day when you earn the full 4% each weekday after that. 
 C'mon, you know you want to test this for yourself!

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