Tuesday, June 7, 2016

You can even start a blog on FUTURENET! This is mine: HAPPY LIFE. One of the many great benefits you receive once you upgrade from free to the $10.00 matrix and start using FUTUREADPRO to buy adpacks! This is a great source of passive income!
 Each adpack costs $50.00 which is used in funding the advertising program. At the end of about 70 days, you receive your $50.00 investment plus $10.00 on each adpack you purchase. During the fulfillment period, you will have access to watch ads. Each day you will click and watch 10 ads to maintain your profitability status. Once the ad loads you can decide to watch it further or just click next in the top righthand corner. This will pay you daily in bitcoin and adds up quickly with each adpack you purchase! You can decide to build your earnings to buy more adpacks (highly advised) or get a payout to your choice of funding payouts. There is a small fee to take your payout.

All in all, FutureNet is morphing into a frontrunner in the social media spotlight!

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